Sunday, 12 April 2009

Athithi Devo Bhava

We indians have been taught one thing right from our yound age ' Athithi Devo Bhava ' meaning Guests are like gods. Treat them just as you treat gods.

But over the years that culture is changing. Changing in the sense , people are practicing it.. a lot more but with discreetion. Discretion is not based on caste but with benefit. What is in it for me. my old employer was always excellent in that. Their Motto itsef was Athithi Devo BHava - Treat the 'GUESTS' well. read between the lines .. As kamal hassan said -' Vellai karanukku salaam podarthu '.

People have observed it and implemented it according to their own defenition of Who atithi is.

earlier whoever came to my house was considered to be a guest , they were given atleast a minimum amount of respect . Be it a watchman or a electrician or a plumber . I have never seen my mother send a person away without giving them a coffee or a tea or atelast a glass or buttermilk.

Today i found myself crest fallen with attitude of people changing so much. Agreed you dont like a person but in a country where we treat even an enemy as a human being , seing such hospitality was heart breaking. I took a good friend of mine who had come here to my house to meet some common friends. and I go to this particular indian's house who half heartedly welcomed this guy. Ya agreed she was least intersted in seeing/talking to him but could she not even offer this guy a glass of water? leave alone this character , there was one more character standing next to it , could not she also offer this guy some water atleast? Have we become so materialistic that we forget some basics of life. Have we become so self centered that we forget the fact that what differntiate us from others is this small aspect of hospitality.

when you are outside India you boast about hospitality and service and what not.. Are these only eye wash or restricted only to the 'Vellai Kaarans and Vellai Kaaris' . theese people surely seemed to have taken a leaf out of some indian corporates books and following it sincerely.

These are things that cannot be taught .. it has to come automatically..

Right after this incident I took my friend to the gurudwara for langar and he goes there and does some Service after finishing the meal ( I ve never done it) . I was like stunned and speechless for a minute and in a sense made me feel ashamed. he comes to my city and does service in a temple where actually it was I who had to do it. After finishing the 'seva' he came to me and said ' We are brought up in a culture where service is important. It gives us some sense of satisfaction'.

What contrasting 2 things to happen in 2 hours. But defenitely I decided 1 thing. Service is important and I will also do it.

the Law of averages always stays.. when some one destroys the service mentality there is always some one to raise it up and balance it.